You already know content marketing it vital to your business, but are you writing copy that’s converting into paying customers?

If people are coming to your site and leaving without clicking a single link the answer is probably no.

But you slaved over that content. You were sure when you wrote it that people would find it irresistible.

What did you do wrong?


Writing your own content is tough. REALLY tough.

You have an emotional attachment to your business that no one else does. That attachment can work against you when it comes time to write content. What matters to you isn’t necessarily what matters to your clients.

What you think should matter to them isn’t always what they truly care about.

Here’s where a fresh pair of eyes can help find your weak copy, your stale message, and your (yikes!) spelling mistakes so you can turn your content from average to amazing.

Get MY eyes on YOUR copy for an 8-Point Copy Check-Up at a massive discount that’s only available to the people who’ve joined my mailing list.

Instead of the usual $147 I’d charge for this service, I want you to get it for only $37.

(I did the math… it’s a 75% discount!)


Here’s what your 8-Point Copy Check-Up Includes:

  • A complete review of any one page on your website or 5 social media posts
  • A full proofreading scan to find and correct spelling mistakes, typos, and punctuation errors
  • Suggestions for improved language and sentence structure
  • Tips for improving your SEO
  • Title and header suggestions
  • Recommendations for better formatting

If your analytics are telling you visitors are only hitting your homepage and then leaving, maybe they aren’t finding anything that makes them want to stay and look around.

The 8-Point Content Check-Up is like a mini content audit on a single page on your website. I’ll go through the content on any page you choose, proofread and edit the copy for spelling & punctuation errors and poor sentence structure, then I’ll give you guidance on how you can make the page more appealing to visitors.

With an 8-Point Copy Check-Up you’ll get valuable tips on:

  • Using power words that set off an emotional response in your readers
  • Storytelling to spark a connection with your audience
  • Making your writing more conversational
  • Improving your SEO
  • Communicating your message clearly

Then you can take these tips and apply them to the content on every page on your site!


This is the perfect way to learn from your own copywriting mistakes at a price point every business can afford.

But remember, this offer is only available to the people who’ve signed up for my mailing list, and there’s no other way to access this deal than through this page right now. If you want it, click the button below to schedule a call with me to get started!