How to Write a Sensational Sales Page (Even if You’ve Never Written One Before)

Aug 5, 2021

There are a lot of ways to write a sales page, but is there a “right” way?

For every person who tells you there’s a particular way to write one, there’ll be a reader who says that’s not how they like to be sold to. For every copywriter who says there’s a formula, there’s another who says formulas are too impersonal.

But there’s one universal truth when it comes to writing a sales page: What you say on your sales page isn’t half as important as how you say it.

Everyone knows the purpose of a sales page is to sell. When you land on a sales page, you know the intent of the page is to get you to buy.

But when you think about the sales pages that have inspired you to buy in the past, what ultimately convinced you to open your wallet?

Was it client testimonials that made you feel confident the product or service was worth the investment?

Was it the way the words on the page made you feel understood? That there was (finally!) a solution to a problem you’d been grappling with for months?

These are strategies copywriters use to create a bond with the reader. And it’s a fairly simple technique for you to learn so you can write more effective sales pages of your own.


Do You Really Need a Sales Page?

Any page on your website could technically be considered a sales page. That’s because every page on your website should be able to convince a visitor that they should at least consider buying from you instead of someone else.

It may take browsing a few pages on your site to prompt them to buy, but whatever page they land on first needs to be strong enough on its own to hold their attention and keep them interested.

A sales page is a critical part of your marketing strategy. A great sales page can get you more traffic, leads, and customers. But it takes some work to create one that converts well for your business.

A bad sales page, on the other hand, can turn people away by being too pushy or otherwise not addressing their needs.

Of course, your sales page needs to provide the information a customer requires to make an informed decision about buying from you. But for your sales page to be successful, it needs to have the right balance between information and empathy. Your sales page has to sell the reader on the solutions you deliver, not just the service you provide.


Make Your Audience Feel Like They’re in Control

I’m sure you’ve heard your fair share of sales pitches. So you know how uncomfortable it can be when someone’s outright trying to sell you on something.

This can be especially true for coaches who are writing their first sales page. It can come across as pushy and fake if you don’t know how to do it right.

The most important thing to give your audience is a sense of being in control. That means making them feel comfortable and safe by reaching out to them where they are and reminding them that the choice is up to them. The last thing you want your sales page to do is to make them feel pressured to buy anything.

When you use your sales pages to give them a glimpse into a better life instead, they come to see you as an ally—someone who understands where they are and how they’re struggling.

Too many people think the most important thing in sales is to get the client to buy. But is it really?

As a coach, is that the advice you’d give your own clients? Or would you tell them it’s more important to be of service first?

When your client feels in control of their decision to buy—and you can demonstrate the benefits of buying from you—you’ll notice more people feel compelled to work with you.

This same strategy can be used in offering different levels of service, too.

By creating a sales page that gives your audience options, they feel empowered to make a decision that works for them.

Do you offer 1:1 coaching and a group coaching package? Tell them how each can change their situation and then let them decide the one that best suits them


Make Your Offer Irresistible

An irresistible offer is hard to pass up. It’s also hard to create if you’re too focused on getting the sale.

Instead, come from a place of service. Let your audience know you’re not in it to make money. Yes, you charge a fee for the work you do. But if the almighty buck is the only reason you’re in this business, that’ll come across loud and clear in your sales copy.

And if you’re genuinely driven to help people, that’ll shine through in your copy, too.

Here are 3 ways you can use a sales page to connect with your audience and show you’re there for them, not the money:

  1. Give them a glimpse of their life after working with you. Will they feel more confident? Less overwhelmed? Will they have more financial freedom or feel more fulfilled? Tell them how you’ll get them there.
  2. Use the power of storytelling. Whether it’s your own or someone else’s, a good story grabs people’s attention. Stories are relatable. It’s why we use them all the time to share information with our family and friends. And the best stories have a plot that includes conflict, suspense and resolution—the very things your client is dealing with (and looking for from you!)
  3. Provide social proof. Social proof is like a modern-day form of peer pressure—only without the high school drama! It draws on the basic human instinct of following the action of others to get a similar result. When you use the success of other clients as a reference point, you build trust and credibility that your technique, your system, or your program works. By the way, this technique works in plenty of other places, too, not only on sales pages


Avoid Being the Pushy Salesperson

If you’re in business, your audience already knows you have something to sell. You don’t have to make it obvious or awkward.

Here are 4 things you should avoid and one thing you should focus on when you’re writing copy for your next sales page, so it doesn’t sound like an obvious (and obnoxious) advertisement:


  1. Overpromise
  2. Undersell yourself
  3. Make promises that are too vague
  4. Speak too generally

When you’re trying to encourage someone to buy, it’s tempting to use phrases like “you need” and “this is the only way.” But that kind of language turns people off because it makes them feel pressured and backed into a corner.

Instead, let your reader see what’s possible by working with you. Let them feel empowered, not manipulated.

Then design an effective call-to-action that they’ll actually respond to.

What’s the point of writing a sales page if the reader doesn’t do anything when they get to the end of it?

A strong call to action tells your readers how they can take the next step—whether that’s joining your mailing list, booking a call with you, or something else.

When you give your reader a choice other than just “buy now,” you give them a chance to stay connected with you even if they’re not ready to lay down their cash yet.

Final Thoughts…

The days of over-the-top and gimmicky sales pages are gone—and thank goodness for that.

The best sales pages focus on the client first and the business second. They include stories, testimonials, and reassurance that the reader has come to the right place to find a solution to a problem they’ve been stuck on.

A sales page doesn’t just list a service and a price. It’s a tool to build a connection with your audience. It’s a chance to let your readers feel empowered. To show them how they can work with you to overcome challenges that hold them back from moving toward—and hitting—their goals.

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