AI Will Never Replace Copywriters. Here’s Why.

Thinking of using AI for copywriting? It’ll help you get started, but it won’t do the job as well as a human.

Improve Your SEO With These 10 Tips

When you learn how to improve your SEO, the people looking for what you do or sell will find you first when they open up Google.

5 Easy Ways to Make Your Emails Instantly Better

If you’ve been working on building your email list and staying in contact with the people on it, give these 5 email tips a try to get better responses.

Read My Other Posts

AI Will Never Replace Copywriters. Here’s Why.

AI Will Never Replace Copywriters. Here’s Why.

This post may include affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I love artificial intelligence (AI). And I love that AI is becoming so sophisticated that...

Improve Your SEO With These 10 Tips

Improve Your SEO With These 10 Tips

If you’ve recently launched a new business and a website to go with it, you’re probably itching to figure out ways to drive traffic to it. After all, a website isn’t much use to you or your business if no one ever visits it. It’s true that the search engine algorithms...

5 Easy Ways to Make Your Emails Instantly Better

5 Easy Ways to Make Your Emails Instantly Better

You may have heard rumors that email is on its way out. But make no mistake about it: email is still king when it comes to business communications—especially direct-to-consumer marketing. Sure, text and group channel communications like Slack have made significant...

5 Simple Ways to Skyrocket Your Engagement Rates on Social Media

5 Simple Ways to Skyrocket Your Engagement Rates on Social Media

I know you’re always looking for new and creative ways to encourage engagement on your social media posts. So am I. I’m not immune to the fact it can be painfully difficult to get people to leave a comment or share your content. There are the tried-and-true strategies...

7 Reasons Your Business *Needs* a Blog

7 Reasons Your Business *Needs* a Blog

Congratulations! You’ve finally started the new business you always dreamed of. You’re making connections and getting yourself seen on social media. You’re building your email list. But have you started a blog yet? I’ve done some poking around, and from what I’ve...